Finding comforting, convenient & quick lunches that are good for you & take minutes to prepare can be tricky. Fortunately Amy’s Kitchen have done much of the hard work for us by creating a beauty of a gluten free Chunky Tomato Soup. It’s organic & lower in fat than many other tinned soups, plus it tastes as fresh & flavoursome as any fresh soup out there.
Homemade Gluten Free Croutons & a lovely slice of gluten free toast are the perfect combo for this tasty little number!
Recently the weather in Manchester has been fairly turbulent to say the least. I’ll wake up one day to bright sunshine & then other days I am welcomes with torrential rain & wind that quite literally could blow you away. The one thing that hasn’t changed in Manchester over the last few months, is the fact that in the Wintery & very early months of Spring, it is always cold.
When it’s cold I always want to eat warm comforting meals. This is never a problem in the evening whether its a steaming bowl of Thai Green Curry or a Gluten Free Pasta Bake, we nearly always have a hot meal. However at lunch time I often struggle for a hot meal choice. I am not a huge fan of having a jacket potato for lunch or yesterday’s leftovers… I generally just like to have a sandwich or at least bread of some kind! I am a massive fan of the gluten free bread brand, Just: Gluten Free Bakery & just want something to go alongside my tasty roll. When at work this tended to just be a cold sandwich but I’ve had a few weeks off recently which has meant I can have hot food at lunch time!
Lunch for me is a very quick meal that I have to keep me going throughout the afternoon. I don’t want to be slaving away for hours preparing it, neither do I want to spend hours eating it. For me, soup has always been the perfect saviour.
Most tinned soup & a lot of fresh soups contain gluten. This was initially a nightmare for me a few years ago. I was a massive chicken noodle soup fan, I loved all the Heinz Big Soups & I enjoyed grabbing the soup of the day when I was out. That all changed when every single tin I picked up contained gluten on the back. Over time I found a few fresh soups that I liked that were gluten free, however I always end up wasting them as they don’t often have the longest life.
For me soup is all about convenience. Of course if I had guests round I would make my own fresh soup but sometimes I just want to throw open the cupboard and have something staring at me that I can put in the microwave & eat within minutes.
A while ago I started eating Amy’s Kitchen Soups on quite a regular basis. I loved the Mushroom & Rustic Italian flavours. Somehow Amy’s Kitchen made tinned soup taste fresh, something that most tinned soups fail to do. I have cut down on eating the Rustic Italian soup these days due to my IBS. The vast amount of vegetables in the Rustic Italian Vegetable soup is just too much for my digestive system unfortunately. But for those of you who don’t have problems with your veg I would highly recommend getting a couple of tins for the cupboard! The mushroom soup is insanely delicious too, I would definitely recommend giving this a go. I know mushrooms are not everybody’s cup of tea, but this soup might just change your mind!
The reason I am writing this post however is that I have just come across and realised the awesomeness that is the Amy’s Kitchen Chunky Tomato Soup! Why did I never try this one before? I think I have always opted for Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup but I am not sure I will ever go back to it again after trying this. Not only does it have so much more texture than the Heinz Tomato Soup (unsurprisingly!), but it just tastes more like tomatoes. It tastes fresh & healthy! Another great thing about this soup is that it is actually so much lower in fat than other tinned tomato soups. I am still really surprised that after trying so many of Amy’s Kitchen products in the past I have overlooked this little convenient treasure!
I have been warming up my soup and serving it alongside some delicious gluten free bread and some home made gluten free garlic infused croutons. It has been going down a treat these past few weeks! Have you tried any of Amy’s Kitchen gluten free soups? Or any other Amy’s Kitchen gluten free products? (There is quite a range!) Let me know on Facebook or Twitter what you think of them… I might have missed out on another great product!
So a massive thumbs up from me for Amy’s Kitchen. Thanks for making my lunches at home recently so delicious and comforting!
Thanks for reading,
Becky xxx