Gluten-free Easter Treats Guide 2022: a complete list of everything that’s Coeliac-friendly and wheat-free in supermarkets this year, from Mini Eggs to bunny bars.
Gluten-free Easter treats guide 2022? If you’ve already read my gluten-free Easter eggs guide, then here’s everything else you missed out on! You can find these in everywhere from supermarkets to petrol stations here in the UK.

But wait… didn’t you already make a post about gluten-free Easter eggs already?
Yes I did, but as the post was dedicated to Easter eggs only (and already pretty beefy and long), I didn’t want to further bulk it out with all the gluten-free Easter treats you’ll find in this post.
So instead, I decided to put them here in a separate post. And don’t go thinking that makes them any less exciting… because there’s so much to choose from!
With that being said, here’s everything from mini eggs, to hollow, non-egg-shaped treats, Easter egg hunt kits and even dairy-free options too.
I’m very specific in this post when I reference which products are gluten-free and safe to eat. So please don’t assume that, just because you’ve seen one product from a particular brand in this post, that every product by the same brand is also gluten-free.
Also, please don’t assume that last year’s products are always gluten-free. Some products such as Smarties Mini Eggs or Milkybar Mini Eggs are no longer gluten-free, even though they used to be ok in the past.
Most importantly always read the ingredients labels thoroughly for yourself. Ensure that not only does it not contain gluten, but ensure it also doesn’t have a ‘may contain’ warning for gluten, wheat etc.
Where can I find these gluten-free Easter treats?
These products are most commonly found in supermarkets down the seasonal Easter aisle, but I decided not to split this post up by supermarket as, for example, you can find some of these products in petrol stations and bargain shops.
However, watch out for supermarket-specific products which you won’t find elsewhere (such as M&S, Morrisons and Aldi products) though I have made an effort to name the specific supermarket in the caption below each photo so you know where to find them.
Also, 99.9% of the dairy-free products will likely be found down the free from aisle so remember to head straight there if you’re dairy-free.
1. Small Gluten-free Easter Treats
Here you’ll find all your usual mini eggs, small bunnies, Easter-themed chocolate bars and other assorted treats.
You’ll find these products across Morrisons, Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco, Aldi and M&S. Of course, don’t forget that some can be found in petrol stations, bargain stores etc.
Scroll to the bottom of this set of photos for the dairy-free products, which I’ve always labelled with a (dairy-free) tag.
2. Larger Gluten-free Easter Treats + Egg Hunt Kits
The clue is in the title, I guess! Here you’ll find a few larger treats like chocolate slabs and gift tins as well as a lot of Easter egg hunt kits.
You’ll find these products across Morrisons, Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco, Aldi and M&S – I’ve labelled the specific supermarket where relevant in the caption of each photo.
Scroll to the bottom of this set of photos for the dairy-free products, which I’ve always labelled with a (dairy-free) tag.
3. Animal-shaped Gluten-free Easter Treats
Here’s all the animal-shaped treats (and a plane!) that are generally either hollow chocolate or mini chocolate bars.
You’ll find these products across Morrisons, Asda, Sainsburys, Tesco, Aldi and M&S – I’ve labelled the specific supermarket where relevant in the caption of each photo.
Scroll to the bottom of this set of photos for the dairy-free products, which I’ve always labelled with a (dairy-free) tag.
That’s all folks!
And that concludes my gluten-free Easter treats guide 2022! Of course, I will reiterate once again: please make sure you read the ingredients labels on whatever you’re about to buy first.
Don’t forget to head over to my gluten-free guide to all of 2022’s Easter eggs over here, if you haven’t read it yet.
Thanks for reading,
Becky xxx