Gluten-free Easter Eggs guide 2024 – here’s a TON of Easter eggs in supermarkets you didn’t know were gluten-free! All featured are Coeliac-friendly and wheat-free, with dairy-free options mentioned too.
Gluten-free Easter eggs guide 2024 – it’s here! You’ll find them on supermarket shelves in the seasonal aisle AND down the free from aisle right now in Tesco, Asda, Sainsbury’s, M&S, Waitrose, Morrison’s Aldi and Lidl! Yes, I actually went to all these places and took pictures of everything myself so you can be sure they do actually exist 😂

But wait… aren’t most Easter eggs gluten-free anyway?
You might think so initially, but any form of chocolate-based product can be a minefield when you’re gluten-free.
For starters, with Easter eggs specifically, whilst the actually egg may be gluten-free, they might come with some added extras which aren’t.
Plus, some Easter eggs have a ‘may contain’ warning for gluten which makes them unsuitable for Coeliacs and certainly not gluten-free. So here’s a collection of all the eggs I’ve found that are gluten-free and safe for us to enjoy!
I’m very specific in this post when I reference which eggs are gluten-free and safe to eat. So please don’t assume that, just because you’ve seen one egg from a particular brand in this post, that every egg by the same brand is also gluten-free.
What I’m trying to say is this: please ensure you’ve got the right egg which is shown in the photo of this post and most importantly always read the ingredients labels thoroughly for yourself. Ensure that not only does it not contain gluten, but ensure it also doesn’t have a ‘may contain’ warning for gluten, wheat etc.
The ULTIMATE gluten-free Easter eggs guide 2024
Since this is a HUGE gluten-free Easter eggs guide, I thought I’d split this post up by supermarket. Of course, the same eggs are stocked in multiple supermarkets so don’t be surprised if you see the same ones pop up in one or more supermarkets.
Generally, most of these eggs are found in the seasonal aisle of supermarkets, but you will often find the gluten-free and dairy-free eggs down the free from aisle.
Using the contents below, you can jump to particular sections if you’re looking for something specific, or feel free to just scroll down to see everything…
Tescos gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
Let’s start with Tesco first of all!
As I mentioned, most of these are down the seasonal Easter aisle so it can be a literal Easter egg hunt to find the right ones. So make sure you allow yourself enough time to make sure you’ve got the ones pictured which are safe for us to eat.
Tesco do also have a good selection of dairy free eggs which you can find generally in the free from aisle of Tesco.
Sainsburys gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
And now let’s head over to Sainsbury’s to see which gluten-free Easter eggs await us!
Expect a similar selection to Tesco, but of course with a few different variations of Sainsbury’s own-brand free from products like their extra thick eggs (yum!) as well as hot cross bun flavour tarts.
Of course, expect an awesome range of dairy-free products here too, which as you won’t see in some of the supermarkets coming up, is something worth celebrating!
Asda’s gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
Our Easter egg hunt continues over at Asda!
As always Asda has a good selection of Easter options this year. They have lots of variety in terms of branded Easter Eggs and equally their free from range is definitely one of the better ones.
Make sure you make the most of the products from brands that DON’T produce all-year-round gluten-free-friendly products – like Terry’s for example!
M&S gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
As usual, M&S remains the place where you’ll find the most unique Easter eggs that can’t be found anywhere else!
Of course, that also means you won’t find all of the ‘big brand’ Easter eggs here at all, so make sure you pop to M&S and either Tesco, Asda or Sainsbury’s for a crazy selection in total.
Fortunately, lots of M&S’ own brand eggs are safe for us to enjoy – even including a few Percy Pig and Colin the Caterpillar eggs too. Someone get me the Colin the Caterpillar egg hunt pouch ASAP, please!
Waitrose gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
In Waitrose, you’ll find a few exclusive own-brand eggs that more than make it worth the trip over, but watch out as there are lots of own brand ones that do contain gluten or have may contains too.
Beware of some of the vegan eggs that contain gluten-free oat milk. Whilst you might see gluten-free oat milk and think they are safe, they in fact are actually ‘may contain gluten’ so are still unsafe.
Otherwise, enjoy a small-medium selection (when compared to Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury’s!) that has pretty much everything you’d want in terms of classic, big brand eggs.
Aldi’s gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
Aldi has a very small selection of safe eggs, but made to look huge when compared to Lidl which is coming up next 😂 The vast majority of eggs and Easter treats in Aldi have a ‘may contain for gluten’. It really is frustrating.
They do have a handful of Easter products that are both gluten-free and dairy-free which is good to see including a chocolate bunny and lamb – the same as last year. They are quite small but a good option nevertheless.
Lidl’s gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
Unlike last year, I was able to find next to nothing in Lidl! So I wouldn’t overly recommend rushing there specifically when Easter egg shopping.
However, if you are in there by chance, here’s what’s suitable regardless. Last year they had quite a few own label ones that were gluten free and with very unique flavours that I hadn’t seen elsewhere – like a pink gin one and a lattice egg.
And in terms of dairy-free… they seemed to be free of dairy-free, if that makes sense!
Morrisons gluten-free Easter Eggs 2024
Morrisons had a good selection of branded Easter eggs but just like last year, most of their own brand Easter eggs this year rather disappointingly are ‘may contain’ or ‘contains gluten’.
I might need to go back into the store sometime to see whether they have a better dairy free selection as they had in previous years but from what I can see this time round, it’s certainly nothing to write home about… but Lidl makes this look absolutely fine!
Last year’s gluten-free Easter eggs in 2023
As you might remember, I did a post like this for gluten-free Easter eggs last year in 2023. Sometimes it’s fun to see how things change (for better or worse?!) as well as confirming if something specific that you enjoyed last year is missing or not.
So simply tap here to go take a look – the post is structured very similar to this one, so make sure you’re looking at the 2023 version when you’re browsing through!
That’s all folks!
And that concludes my gluten-free Easter egg hunt for 2024! I hope this guide makes it easier to pick out eggs that are safe for you to enjoy and of course, I will reiterate once again: please make sure you read the ingredients labels on whatever you’re about to buy first.
Of course there are other places that I haven’t visited that also will likely have some gluten free Easter options this year. The Co-op will have a variety of eggs I would imagine as well as places like Holland and Barrett and other health food stores. Iceland usually have a few eggs and the likes of B&M and Poundland may also. Just always check ingredients first!
If you enjoyed this post and want to support the blog so I can keep justifying spending hours rushing to every supermarket and taking hundreds of photos of chocolate eggs… then you’ve already done it! As you might have noticed, there’s ads on this page and simply by tolerating them (they’re annoying as heck, I know 😂) You’ve already donated me a few pennies that’ll keep me making posts like this. So thank you!
Thanks for reading,
Becky xxx