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How to make perfect poached eggs every time

Here's how to make perfect poached eggs every time! Light and fluffy egg white with the most amazing runny yolk.
Course Breakfast
Servings 0


  • Fresh eggs as many as you'd like and the fresher the better
  • 1 tsp rice wine vinegar
  • Salt and pepper


  • Half fill your saucepan with boiling water and add 1 tsp of rice wine vinegar per 1.5 litre of water.
  • Heat your water so that it's bubbling at a consistent rate, but not boiling angrily.
  •  Crack your egg into a bowl and stir the water in your saucepan so that it's gently spinning. Then slowly pour your egg into the water from your bowl.
  • Use a slotted spoon to check on it occasionally and when the egg white looks cooked, remove it from the saucepan. This should take around 1-2 minutes, but checking the egg white is usually the best way to ensure you don't over do it.
  • When it's cooked, remove the egg from the saucepan and allow it to drain on a piece of kitchen roll.
  • Add a little salt and pepper and enjoy!